Sunday, August 10, 2008

Terrified of Terrorists? Think Again!

Recently, I watched a BBC Panorama documentary that confirmed my worst fears about the so-called 'war on terrorism'. The investigative reporter interviewed M16 agents as well as relatives of the 7/7 London terrorists. To cut the long story short, the reporter documented credible evidence that that M16 had prior information about the impending terrorist attack. Yet, they did nothing. Independent American investigators have for long insisted that both the FBI and CIA had prior information of the 9/11 attacks. Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 is a must see for anybody interested in hearing something out of the conventional US government propaganda that is continually being forced down our throats.

10 years ago, Kenya bore the blunt of terrorism. I don't think we can blame our security forces for a lapse that allowed the terrorists to strike. If truth be told, NSIS has never cared much about the country's security. Its agents in the field are too busy bribe-hunting to give a hoot about terrorism. If our DULY ELECTED president got a call from Osama, Kibaki would personally organize a terrorist attack on Kenya if Osama paid him the correct price. But then, that is another story.

The CIA and M16 possess the very, best cutting-edge, state of the art technological tools. They can, for example,'sniff' the entire internet´s traffic 24/7. All IM, e-mail, or Voip telephone calls are routinely sniffed for 'terrorist´' key words and snipets.It is now standard procedure that all international calls in and out of the US and Europe are sniffed for terrorist codes. They have had this capability prior to 9/11. The network of CIA informers spurns the entire globe. And yet, the terrorists managed to break through the 'wall of steel anti-terror machine'? That is what we are told.

So, who are these daring terrorists? Why do they seem unstoppable? Don't misunderstand me. I know for a fact that there are militant muslim and non-muslim terrorists who will blow the world to pieces if they had the slightest opportunity or capability. The West's unquestionable support for Israel's inhuman treatment of the Palestinians continues to fuel young muslims anger. 9/11, the Madrid attack, London's 7/7 is a stark reminder to the West that they must remain united in their resolve to defeat fundamental muslim terrorists.

September 11 changed the world. Immigration will never be the same. English and Literature students in leading universities on every continent now analyse Don De Lillo's Falling Man; Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; Ken Kalfu's A Disorder Peculiar to the Country; Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Terrorist; and Ian McEwan's Saturday among other works in the now popular field of Post-9/11 literature.In all texts, the underlying theme is that blood-thirsty terrorists attacked the United States of America. Forensic science has never been more popular. Almost every discipline now has bragging rights to its own brand of forensics - an important tool not only in the fight against terrorists, but also invaluable in the conviction of terrorists.

What I am trying to say is that 9/11 brought forth a new world order of 'good' vs 'evil'. Terrorists were behind the Nairobi and Dar bombing; September 11; the London bombing; and many other recent attacks in many countries around the world. 9/11 however, is the attack that changed everything. But 9/11 was no surprise. America knew it was going to be attacked. They did nothing. Powerful men in the administration knew there was more to be gained from an actual attack on US soil, than a foiled attack. They knew the importance of a scared populace. How citizens pull together and unite in catastrophic moments. Bush´s approval rating after the terror attacks skyrocketed to 88% - the highest ever recorded in American presidential history. This, despite the fact that a few months before the terror attacks, he had record negative ratings - survey after survey.

We now live in a world of 'hate' laws. Countries have raced each other in the implementation of terror laws. Those who seem to drag their feet are constantly reminded by the US of the importance of these laws for the security of the entire world.

Is the world getting safer? Yes. We are safe because crooked presidents will have a tough time looking the other way, while their countries are 'attacked'. The Madrid bombings brought about a regime change. Citizens are slowly waking up to the fact that their biggest fear isn't Allah's 72 virgins that spur terrorists into their actions, but crooked leaders who prey upon their electorate's fear to manipulate them. If you must have it spelt out in black and white: 9/11 was a political mind-control tactic. And yes, it worked wonders.

If you must still be afraid, fear crooked leaders - NOT Quran carrying youth.


Anonymous said...

hey, nice post. not that i agree with you but i see what you are driving at. wish you could leave kibaki out of this. since you are clearly anti-PNU, what about you let me be posting here so that the blog is balanced?

email dkamau at yahoo dot com

Kwale said...

Hakujakucha, we already got Kumekucha, is this an extension of it or what? why don't you contribute in Kumekucha instead?! If this blog is for those tired with other blogs surely then why don't we have something else different, why the same boring old thing?

Vikii said...

Hakujakucha, you will have to forget the George Bush rhetoric of "good vs evil". If anyone has a seat in the high table of the 'axis of evil', then it is George Bush and his administration.

I have always said that most of these highly reproachable terrorist attacks have been acts of retaliation. Al-qaeda is an organization that represents the forces of darkness, no doubt about it. But the war on terror will not be won if the world and the so called "coalition members" (I call them flower girls) do not open their eyes to the fact that they are caught up in a circus involving two equally evil sides.

According to biographer, Stephen Mansfield, George Bush is the President who abbrogated more international treaties in the first year of his presidency than any other executive in American history. This just goes to show you how disrespectful he is of everybody else. He has been breaking the law by literally breaking treaties or defying unwritten codes of foreign policy in matters of unprovoked war. According to him, his country "rightly" sets the new world order. And is that not terrorism? I bet, it is!

When Gerrhard Schroeder spoke of his belief that Bush was violating international law by preventing France and Germany from investing in Iraq, he retorted (sarcastically of course): "What international law? Can I call my lawywer?" Now, such is the arrogance I would seek to punish if I was Osama bin Laden.

Some of this arrogance may not be responsible for Sept 11 or the Nairobi/Dar attacks but it certainly has some bearing in the London and Madrid ones. And the many more to come.

With President Bush declaring that countries were either with the United states or with the terrorists, Chancellor Gerrard Schroeder lined up with his colleagues in Paris and moscow opposing the Iraqi invasion. Condoleezza Rice subsequently suggested that America should "punish France", 'ignore Germany' and "forgive Russia"
Now tell me the difference between Al-Qaeda's foreign policy and that of the US.

Kwale said...

Yes, Bush is even quick to condemn Russia for the occuption of Russian troops in South Ossetia, Georgia, while he himself went on to occupy Iraq, a sovereign country without the blessings of UN.

Bado said...

Vikii, 'Now tell me the difference between Al-Qaeda's foreign policy and that of the US'

Maybe I misunderstand hakujakucha, but your argument seems to agree with his views. He says the likes of Bush are more dangerous to the world than the Osama ilk. Which i agree with. For every action, there is always an equal reaction. What the West is doing supporting Israel terror on Palestine is creating equal disgust for all that represents West among young muslims. It is time the west stands down and demands justice for Palestinians. Otherwise, we will forever live in a world full of violence.

Anonymous said...

First they killed the jews
then they bombed the Germans
they they said muslims were terrorists and started killing them.

then they turned on ... Africans?

NSIS said...

it is an unforgivable crime to suggest that HE Mwai Kibaki would betray his country. You are a complete idiot Hakujakucha! You are an enemy of our country.

Anonymous said...

NSIS you full of shiet. go to hell.

Nyandoe Ndoro said...

If you invite me to blog on your side, I will bring a wealth of experience to Kenyans on immigrating to other countries. That way we can help those jobless ignorant young Kenyans you talked about on kumekucha.

My email: kenyayangu1 at gmail dot com

Vikii said...

No, actually nsis is right. It is the highest form of character assasination to suggest that Hon Kibaki can bomb his own country. It gets pretty ugly when we assume that we are moe patriotic than others.

Anonymous said...

Nyandoe... i thought you were a Mashada damu? Good to bump into your sick ass on hakukucha :O

Vikii said...

yeah, Kwale, these folks (the US) always preach water while taking wine, don't they?

Hakujakucha, I am down with your invitation. Drop me a line at

Anonymous said...

check your mail.

Anonymous said...

you are welcome to give us insight on the patriotic wonders of the DULY ELECTED lame duck. Give me your mail and I will drop you an invitation. In my opinion, all that matters is how much money Kibaki is given. If he feels it is enough ... I swear to the devil he will plant the bombs himself!

NSIS said...

anybody with any brains will read what HE Mwai Kibaki is doing for the country at

u r just a loser licking your wounds wherever you are. wish I could get my hands round your neck

go to hell with your invite.

UrXlnc said...


trying hard to clear my plate but if you would kindly add me to your list

UrXlnc at ymail dot com

UrXlnc said...

while you are at it, could you sometime post on that idea you floated on kk about opportunities abroad for jobless kenyans. its an idea worth looking into.

Anonymous said...

What inspired you to use the black background? Please change it.

Bado said...

UrXlnc, I had actually written a one liner to HK that I am working on a post on the topic you suggested. i am digging as deep as I can... there is good news about Sweden, Finland and Norway. I don't have much info so far on US, UK, AUST... etc, maybe we could make it a corroborative effort? where guys post on the countries whose systems they understand best?

Nyandoe Ndoro said...

Hakujakucha, what happed to my request?

Bado, that would be an interesting post. I think what many jobless Kenyans lack is info and the money to move out. I think the gava will never support a move that empowers young kenyans. i think most governments find it easier managing hopeless crowds. will watch this space for the piece.

UrXlnc said...


good idea, will be waiting for your post. no rush

Bado said...

never been good at writing. that maybe the reason I am in the Sciences.

On the other hand, I admire the way you write very much. hope to read posts from you here or at KK.