Saturday, August 9, 2008

Should Kibaki Rule Kenya Until 2012

Should Kibaki Rule until 2012?

Any doubting Thomas - who, believing like any good-natured Kenyan - that maybe, just maybe, Kibaki might have won the presidential elections, must be convinced beyond doubt by now that the nightmare will go on for 5 years. Kibaki lost the elections: fact. He had his cronies at ECK manipulate the figures:fact. The swearing ceremony was already underway even before Kivuitu could check his bank account to confirm that the amount agreed for the civilian coup had been wired:fact. So, why on earth is the ODM part of the coalition willing to let the thief get away with this crime? Why are ODMers willing to let him continue his looting spree uninterrupted?

This has been the topic of debate in many Kenyan blogs and web sites. Kibaki's antics of ignoring the wishes of majority of Kenya's and hanging on to power is described as the very same rule-book that Mugabe is reading from. But let's forget Mugabe for today: why is Raila allowing somebody else to occupy his rightful seat for a full term?

For crying out loud, Kibaki is sick. Even before the last elections, he could only read what was placed before him. If he had to give an off-the-link speech, it was always his stock gibberish of hapa hapa, pare pare, mavi ya kuku.... Keen observers may have noticed that he never takes questions from journalists. Those in the know say his handlers are protecting the knowledge of his incapacitation from getting out. He is said to be incapable of comprehending anything said.

The quesition once again is: Why is Raila allowing Kibaki to perpetuate the 'error' until 2012? ODM and PNU are equal partners in the grand-coalition government. If truth be said, Raila is running the show while those around the president are busy trying to make a kill through corruption, not knowing how long the current charade can last. In his mental state, Kibaki will sign any deal with any crooks. It doesn't help matters that the first lady is completely incapacitated and under heavy chronic psychosis medication for any foreseeable future.

Where do we go from here? The National Accord agreement that gave birth to the Grand Coalition Government offered Kibaki assurance of completing his term. Raila had to accept the deal because Kibaki and his cronies were in charge of the uniformed forces and Mungiki and were willing to bring unprecedented civil strife to Kenya. Now that ODM is part of the government. And now that Raila is able to influence at least some section of our uniformed forces. Will he take the opportunity to reach out to senior army and police officers and show them that the future of Kenya bright. Raila is capable of talking to and convincing a large section of our armed forces that the rule of law has to be respected from the top. He needs to convince them that the time for impunity is gone.

If he could use his stint as prime minister to reach out to all the important players, it should be possible to impeach the thief at state house. But the signals coming from the Prime Ministers office is that he wants Kibaki to lead until 2012. Why? What are we not being told? Why are ODM MPs not raising this issue?

What we need is a new constitution. We need an overhaul of the ECK, judiciary, and the police force. That shouldn't take more than 2 years at most. Then we need presidential elections. What is so difficult about that?



Anonymous said...

I thought you are asking people if they are tired of other blogs. Yes and No, but we are definately tired of Politics. Why are you posting things we have already been discusing for the 5 years. If you want to be different stay clear of Kibaki or poltics, thats my advice.

Anonymous said...

stupid post. guys should come to jukwaa

NSIS said...

any chance you are the Vikii or Taabu playing musical chairs with readers?

Stay away from politics you nut or we gonna get you. Talk about sex or whatever but stop writing about politics.

YOU have been warned

Bado said...

i would say your reasoning makes sense. but politics as it is will always puzzle us. no politician alive cares about kenyans... all they care about is making a quick illegal buck

Anonymous said...

You said we can post anything we like here, here is one from me;

Iam a 30 something beautiful Kyuk girl looking for a Luhyia man to settle down with, MUST BE TALL and not fat. He must also have no issues with Kikuyu people. I am very successful woman living abroad where there are no many Luhyias around. Could it be you I have been waiting for??
email me

Anonymous said...

anon 7:10
am Kaleo, tall and not fat - ok to send my CV?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.15
No, Kaleo have big issues with Kikuyus. They kill them in numbers.

I want a man I can treat like a king. A prince charming and cinderrella fairytale type of romance:)!

Vikii said...

Hakujakucha, I disagree with everything you just said here. Significantly!

UrXlnc said...


dont see why you disagree. please explain, looks quite logical to me

Vikii said...

Urxlnc, you know damn well why i disagree. We will definitely talk about it.